Tag Archives: regal

Sun with Crossed Wands

A sun with behind is some sort of wands crossed. This image appears on the title page of the degree “42e degré, 8e classe. Cahier concernant la réception et les cérémonies du grade de Commandeur de l’Orient” in the Fonds Gaborria.

Compasses and Crown?

The letters C.M.D.D. stand for Compagnons Menuisiers du Devoir which means something like ‘members of the guild’. The Compagnonnage is a French (and German) ‘operative Masonic’ like organisation.


The emblem of Electa in the Order of the Eastern Star. More about OES here.

Crown and Scepter

Emblem of Esther in the Order of the Eastern Star. More about OES here.

Baton and Scroll

Emblem of the Conductress in the Order of the Eastern Star.

More about the OES here.