Tag Archives: human


To relieve the distressed, is a duty incumbent on all men; but particularly on Masons, who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of sincere affection. To soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortunes,to compassionate their miseries, and to restore peace to their troubled minds, is the grand aim we have in view. On this basis we form our friendships and establish our connections.

Brotherly Love

By the exercise of brotherly love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, the high and low, the rich and poor; who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support, and protect each other.On this principle, Masonry unites men of every country, sect, and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.

Zodiac Man

Ravignat (see further reading) gives no source for his “88th Degree: Supreme Grand Council General of the 88th, Sovereign Grand Princes of the 88th”, but I think it (partly) comes from Fonds Gaborria Ms.-372: “Rite de Misraïm. Les 3 suprêmes conseils du système d’Arcano, Arcanorum des 88e, 89e et 90e degrés, 17e classe” which contains three “Arcana Arcanorum” degrees.

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Ravignat (see further reading) gives no source for his “90th Degree: Supreme Grand Council General of the 90th and Last Degree, Sovereign Grand Princes of the 90th”, but I think it (partly) comes from Fonds Gaborria Ms.-372: “Rite de Misraïm. Les 3 suprêmes conseils du système d’Arcano, Arcanorum des 88e, 89e et 90e degrés, 17e classe” which contains three “Arcana Arcanorum” degrees.

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Cold Man

On this tracing board of the degree of “Vray Maître et Ecossais”, which is dated 1745, we see a human being who appears to be cold. The tracing board contains some more unusual symbols.

Also see: tunnel/vault

Man in the Sky

Ravignat included a tracing board from Maçonnerie des Hommes because the ritual of the “65th degree: Knight of the Black Eagle Rose-Croix – Second Grade” has a passage which fits the description of the image:

In the center, is a large circle, which represents the Zodiac with Twelve Celestial Figures surrounding a corpse and which represents the dead Hiram and the Great Work which much be revived.

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Man with Sword in Mouth

Ravignat has this image in the “61th Degree: Chevalier d’Orient – Knight of the East – Tschoudy and Bédarride”. I found the same image in the Fonds Gaborria, but there it is listed as the “47e degré”, but also called “Chevalier d’Orient”. In Ravignat’s translation, this is the tracing board of the degree: “in the middle a man holding in his right hand seven stars and in his mouth a two-edged sword.”

In the Kloss collection there is a document (“Chevalier d’Occident et d’Orient. Avec tableau” “17e gr. REAA. (Kl.MS:XXV.82)”, the document itself says 18º) with a very similar tableau, so the image also appears to (have) feature(d) in (proto) AASR degrees.

Virgo Immaculata

Apparently an image of Mother Mary and the baby Jesus, standing on a crescent moon. Thus, the image reminds of Mary as Stella Mater, mother of the stars. Tracing board for the Memphis-Misraim “Chevalier du Soleil” (51th degree) below left.

There is a very similar “Chevalier du Soleil tracing board that can be found in the Bibliotheque Nationale de France (below right). There the virgin looks a bit different and -interestingly- there she is accompanied by the word “anima”.

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The portrait of the “Head [or Master] of all True Freemasons” is a typical element of Theosophical influence on co-Masonry. It was introduced in the 1913 third edition of the “Dharma Workings of Craft Masonry” (together with the incense ceremony and the lighting of the candles before the opening of the lodge). It has been variously placed: “above the R.W.M.’s pedestal” or “in the North”. Because the latter isn’t specified, many lodges place the portrait above an empty chair in the middle of the North “column”. Some lodges place the portrait in the North-West corner against North wall.

The man on the portrait is known by many names: Count of St. Germain, Marquess of Montferrat, Count Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Count Soltikoff, Manuel Doria, Graf Tzarogy, Prince Ragoczy.

In many lodges the portrait has disappeared, even Theosophically leaning lodges. Some have kept it.

Three Faced God

Tracing board of the 36th degree (“Sublime Negotiant”) of (one of the variations of) Memphis Misraim.

Fighting Sitting

A somewhat odd French 9th degree “tableau” for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. I suppose we’re looking at nine knights, but are they fighting while sitting on a chair?