Apparently the German Masonic reformer Schröder designed this minimalist tracing board around 1815. I don’t know the significance of the cloud. The image can be found in Feddersen (D/71).
Obviously it became part of the Schroeder ‘type of Freemasonry’, as clouds are still part of the Brazilian “Rito Schröder” emblem below left.
Interestingly, clouds can also be seen on this tracing board of the Gold- und Rosenkreuzer (one of three tracing boards used in the 1st degree).

Top: Feddersen (Die Arbeitstafel in der Freimaurerei Band I (1982) D/71, P. 405) design by Friedrich Schröder (1744-1816) from around 1815
Bottom left: “Rito Schröder” emblem. Can be found online on several places.
Bottom right: Gold- und Rosenkreutzer tracing board. Can be found in Feddersen (among other places) (Die Arbeitstafel in der Freimaurerei Band I (1982) D/2, P. 336). Design from the Strikte Observanz, so it must be from between 1743 and 1782.