Butterfly from a tracing board of what Feddersen calls the order of the Trusted Brethern of Andreas. He has examples from Denmark (SD/18) and Germany (SO/14). They are from around 1860.
German “Andreaslogen” are Swedish-type “Scottish” (high degree) lodges.
Freimaurer Wiki says of the butterfly: “Symbol of resurrection (the caterpillar transforms into a colourful, almost weightless butterfly), symbol of the soul.” The butterfly is not as rare as initially seems. It even appears in some 24th degree Scottish Rite rituals. It is also: “a symbol of the success of the endeavour to free oneself from sensual fetters, under God’s power and assistance, as well as by way of transformation”. (1901 instructions regarding the “Andreas Logen” of the Großen Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland.)
Also interesting (Die St. Andreasgrade F. Possart 1877/8):
The grasshopper here represents the place of the rough stone, after working it into a cube we, like the butterfly, strip off our shell and turn towards the light in the east.

Feddersen (Die Arbeitstafel in der Freimaurerei Band I (1982) SO/14, P. 540) from around 1860.